Hello Everyone!
Your crew member Brenda Sue here J
Once again, I sit and ask spirit what I should write about this week. I will be out of town the week that the newsletter is due so I am sitting with it on the very last day of August. As I am closing my eyes and connecting, I see a beautiful healing wand that I recently felt drawn to purchase from another healer, Carly Sink. It made me think about all of the ways that we do our healing work. I suppose I have always been a healer of sorts my entire life. Mostly with animals when I was a kid.
Let’s talk about all of the various ways that you can experience healing. I guess when we think about healing, we see a healer standing over a table with their hands hovering above the body, a healing wand brushing away the unwanted energy, some incense burning, maybe some chanting? Yes, you can experience healing in that way. I have had deep and profound healing on a practitioner’s table. You can receive healing from a Medium who connects with departed loved ones. Perhaps there was unfinished business or you didn’t have the opportunity to say what you needed to say. I have seen this countless times with my clients. They come in with this weight and when they leave it is like they are 10 pounds lighter, their faces are brighter, and there is a feeling of peace that surrounds them. Healing can occur on a walk in nature. If that is where you find peace, then simply being outside, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature can be thoroughly therapeutic. It is definitely my place of grounding and connection. Healing can also occur with plant and animal medicine. I have recently experienced deep healing and uncovered unconscious thoughts through Kambo Ceremony. Healing occurs through touch, being hugged, a hand on the shoulder when you are in despair can give you a feeling of connection. Seeing signs from your departed loved ones can be very healing. My grandmother comes to me as the symbol of yellow butterflies. When she was in Hospice, it was the last time I would see her alive. I walked out and there were so many yellow butterflies. I immediately had the message that this would be my message from her that she was around. I graduated from massage school shortly after her passing. We were practicing our ceremony and as I walked down the middle isle of a massive indoor coliseum, flying directly in front of me was a beautiful yellow butterfly. I cried tears of pure joy. I knew she was there and that was very healing. Healing can be experienced through simply being seen. It is so powerful to have another human being “see” you, to accept you.
How do you experience healing? I would love to hear about your big and small moments of healing. Healing ourselves is one of the most important things we can do on this earthly journey. As we heal, we also heal for our ancestors and for future generations. There is profound peace is clearing old stuff from our energy bodies as well as our minds and hearts. Each time we clear we become lighter, we heal, and we discover more layers of work to be done. I honestly find this human existence fascinating, I don’t think we ever stop discovering new things about ourselves and the world around us. How lucky we are to be spinning around on this round ball, enjoying all of the range of experiences and emotions that come with being in the human body.
Please comment on your own healing journey! I would love to hear how you have experienced healing and your profound self-discovery.
Love to you all!
Brenda Sue Jean Louise Jolene III
